7 Cups started with a community of online volunteers for mental wellness. If you can't afford the monthly payment, you can connect with their active listeners for free. You will also have access to unlimited self-help courses. They guide you on how to manage grief, pain, breakups, anxiety, and even sleep. But if you want professional help, they have licensed therapists that will attend to you at any time. After you have created an account, you can choose the paid version or the free version. It's the best community of volunteers and professionals that are always there.
7 Cups started with a community of online volunteers for mental wellness. If you can't afford the monthly payment, you can connect with their active listeners for free. You will also have access to unlimited self-help courses. They guide you on how to manage grief, pain, breakups, anxiety, and even sleep. But if you want professional help, they have licensed therapists that will attend to you at any time. After you have created an account, you can choose the paid version or the free version. It's the best community of volunteers and professionals that are always there.
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